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Англо-украинский юридический словарь - sale


Перевод с английского языка sale на украинский


продаж, реалізація, розпродаж

sale at an exchangesale based on documentssale by auctionsale by commissionsale by descriptionsale by samplesale specificationsale by way of executionsale contractsalefor future deliverysale notesale of alcoholic drinkssale of armssale of firearmsSale of Goods Actsale of licencessale of licensessale of military secretssale of poisonous substancessale of poisonous poisonssale of poor-quality goodssale of poor-quality productssale on board of shipsale on creditsale pricesale taxsale upon judicial ordersale with all faultssale with rights of redemption

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См. в других словарях

  n1) продаж; збутto put up for sale продавати з молоткаto be for (або on) sale продаватися2) аукціон3) розпродаж по зниженій ціні наприкінці сезонутж bargain sale, clearance sale ...
Англо-украинский словарь


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